Metro NY & Southern Connecticut HERC

Why HERC? 

Inclusive and equitable hiring and retention practices are crucial to fulfilling the mission of the Office of Institutional Equity. 

About HERC

OIE is the institutional home for the Metro NY & Southern Connecticut HERC (MNYSC HERC), which was established in 2007 with Columbia University as the region’s lead institution in collaboration with NYU and Yale. Together, along with over 30 other regional members, MNYSC HERC advances the ability of member institutions to recruit and retain the most diverse and talented workforce. HERC catalyzes inclusive excellence in the academic workforce and assists in building a diverse pipeline of faculty, staff, and executives in academia.

Available Resources

For members

As a HERC member institution, all faculty and staff can access HERC’s networks, resources, and expertise to support inclusive recruitment and retention efforts. HERC builds collective knowledge by leveraging research and partnerships and produces professional development opportunities, including webinars and toolkits. HERConnect is the members-only online community for members to engage and share information ass well as access all HERC-produced resources.

For job seekers

HERC champions higher education careers and promotes its job board and free career resources to veterans, women, professionals of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and professionals with disabilities. HERC supports dual career couples through a dual career job search tool and a network of connections with employers within and beyond higher education.