Anti-Discrimination & Discriminatory Harassment

OIE Investigative Processes

When the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) receives a report alleging conduct that may violate the Anti-Discrimination Policies, OIE will consider and address prohibited conduct under the appropriate Discrimination & Harassment Procedures. Where alleged conduct by an employee meets the narrow definitional and jurisdictional requirements of Title IX, it will be considered and addressed under the Interim Title IX Grievance Process.


Existing Policy

As members of the Columbia University community, all students are expected to uphold the highest standards of respect, integrity, and civility. These core values are key components of the Columbia University experience and reflect the community’s expectations of its students.

Policies governing student conduct can be found at the Center for Student Success and Intervention.


When the Office of Institutional Equity receives a report alleging conduct that may violate Policies, OIE will consider and address prohibited conduct under Employee Anti-Discrimination & Discriminatory Harassment Procedures. Where the alleged conduct meets the narrow definitional and jurisdictional requirements of Title IX, it will be considered and addressed under the Interim Title IX Grievance Process.

These infographics are provided to help individuals understand Columbia’s OIE and Interim Title IX Grievance Processes. They offer only overviews of these processes. In all instances, individuals should follow the procedures in Employee Policies and Procedures.

Employee Investigative Process:

The Employee Investigative Process is the set of procedures that will be used for complaints, investigations, adjudication, and appeals of matters where employees or third parties are accused of misconduct that may violate Employee Anti-Discrimination Policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation (except Title IX); Columbia’s Duty to Report & Duty to Act Policies; Columbia’s Romantic & Sexual Relationship Policies; and Columbia’s Accommodations Policies.

Employee Interim Title IX Grievance Process:

The Interim Title IX Grievance Process is the set of procedures that will be used solely for complaints, investigations, adjudication, and appeals of matters where employees or third parties are accused of misconduct covered by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”) regulations released in 2020. Conduct that may violate Title IX includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, dating violence, and domestic violence as defined by Title IX. This conduct must occur in the United States and in an education program or activity of the University. All prohibited conduct not covered by Title IX will be addressed through the Employee Investigative Process.


Any member of the Columbia University community may report abuse if they suspect that a child has been abused or maltreated.

If you believe that a minor may have been abused or maltreated, you must take the following steps:

If a child is in immediate danger or you require emergency assistance, call 911.

If you suspect child abuse or maltreatment by a parent, guardian or other person legally responsible for that child:

  • Call the New York State Child Abuse & Maltreatment Hotline: 800-342-3720. When calling the NY State Child Abuse & Maltreatment Hotline, make sure to obtain a Call ID number and the name of representative contacted. Oral reports must be followed by completing this form from the Office of Children and Family Services, and sending it to the local child protective services where the incident(s) occurred. Please send a copy of the completed form to Rachel Ferrari, and contact her with any questions.
  • Report the incident with the Office of the Protection of Minors.
  • For any additional questions or concerns, notify Rachel Ferrari, Executive Director for the Protection of Minors, at (212) 853-3731, or [email protected].
  • If you suspect child abuse or maltreatment by a member of the Columbia community and is someone other than a parent, guardian, or other person legally responsible:
    • Notify Rachel Ferrari, Executive Director for the Protection of Minors, at (212) 853-3731 or [email protected], or report the incident with the Office of Protection of Minors to consult about next reporting steps.

Reporters & Witnesses

The University relies on individuals who receive information about or observe harassment, discrimination, and gender-based misconduct (including sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic/dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation) to understand and comply with their reporting obligations. Faculty, Officers of Administration, Research Officers, Officers of the Libraries, coaching staff and other staff who work with students (e.g. teaching assistants and advising and residential program staff) have an obligation to immediately report harassment, discrimination, and gender-based misconduct involving undergraduate and graduate students. The University asks all employees to report any prohibited conduct involving employees or third parties to OIE or the employee’s designated human resource representative.